Growth Mindset
While I have never heard of Carol Dweck, I wish I had prior to this course. There seems to be a commonly misconceived notion that asking for help is like admitting failure. Personally, when I was younger I had a hard time excelling in classes due to the muted state I entered into as I got to class. I never wanted to ask a question during a lesson because then everyone me would know that I hadn't been following along, thus making me fall further behind.
It's also hard to challenge yourself due to the fear of a failed outcome, which causes us to hunker into our comfort zones. Carol Dweck sparked new ideas meant to grow one's mindset for the purpose of excelling. I for one need to push myself to find a hobby. My goal for the summer was to find a hobby for myself so that I will stop using mindless activities to pass the time. Nonetheless, I was not able to figure out a hobby of mine because I ended up being busier than expected, but that will not stop me from finding one this semester. I think it will help broaden my perspective and my awareness of the world around me.
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