Time Strategies
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Time-is-precious-Use-it-Wisely-Decor-vinyl-wall-decal-quote-sticker-Inspiration-On-Wall-Decal/1114651592.html |
I have typically never had an issue when it comes to managing my time for an online course as not meeting a deadline truly gives me enough anxiety to motivate me. In addition to this class, I have two other online courses that I am enrolled in, so I have copious amounts of spare time during my weeks. During this first week, I have realized that it will be difficult making sure that nothing falls through the cracks. To avoid this, I have always used a planner to write down all that I have to do within a week.
When looking at the suggested articles to read, my eyes quickly found "The Psychology of Checklists". The reason for my planner is to physically comprise all of my responsibilities to then later cross them off for the purpose of pure reassurance. The article explained that the little feeling of reassurance is actually dopamine being released as a result of even the smallest of successes. So, the longer the list, the more to check off, and with each check comes more motivation, makes sense to me!
The second article I read was "3 Steps to Recapture Time" which explained small hacks in using time efficiently. It mentions using the first 15 minutes of your day wisely in order to plan the day's critical task. Now, I do not think that I will do this exactly, but I do want to urge myself to start my days better than I do now, which would involve cutting phone time. Another interesting piece of advice is to make sure you have a time that you designate to cleaning up clutter whether it be personal or physical. These are little things that I need to adopt into my new "adult"-ish life.
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