Week 4 Reading Notes: Noah (Part B)

Noah's Sacrifice

  • It's horrifying that Eve had a child with another man to then eat the baby with Adam 
    • Then deny it 
  • I had never heard this story before in regards to the Torah 
    • I am wondering if this was the first mention of it? 
  • Why does the story go back to the beginning in far more detail rather than just doing it fluidly 
    • I enjoy learning the answer to my questions though 
  • The description of most animals and other residence accounted for offered great perspective to earlier claims 
  • Noah was just as savage for not letting anyone else live, however, it was gods command
    • Kind of ironic 
  • Great illustrations on what went on inside of the boat during the flood 
    • This part of the story if often untold 
  • Thankfully the story explains the significance of the raven and the dove 
  • I am surprised that Noah still had to make a sacrifice to be deemed ruler of the world after everything he had already done 
  • Now god permitted Noah to eat animals, something not possible in Adam's time
  • The story turns into drunkenness introduced by Noah being the reason that conflict happened, slavery 
    • Satan helped create wine
    • I really enjoy the metaphor of drunken stages being lamb, lion, pig, monkey 
  • Again, the story answers my previous question of why was Canaan punished 
    • Thus begins the story of how Noah's family began to migrate and move 
      • it was due to Ham's embarrassment for getting cursed by his father 
  • I had concerned during part A about how all of Noah's children would have been related and how that just meant it would be quite redundant so I enjoyed the lengthy ended that turned into how the rest of the world has been occupied. 


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