Week 4 Story Lab
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Writers Write |
This week I chose to give my elementary story writing a break in order to go back to some basic fundamentals. In doing so I went to the website Writers Write and browsed through their articles until something stood out and related to me and my writing journey. Of all the articles offered by the site, I found only two that answered a few of my own questions, "Why You Need to Read More" and "3 Simple Ways to Kick-Start your Writing".
Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with reading. I either love a book or I lose interest about 1/3 of the way through, however, I have such a strong desire to read more because I feel that hearing stories told through someone else's voice can have the most influential impact on your writing style. That being said, number 1 on the list of 10 reasons why you should read is "You can't write if you don't read". However, I disagree with number 10 on the list, "You are less likely to be a terrible person", I do not think that correlation is equal causation on this matter.
I chose to read "3 Simple ways to Kick-Start your Writing" because I need more information on where to begin sometimes. I often begin most of my writing with an idea that just ends up working out, however, sometimes I lack vision which causes some word vomit. The article mentions do a writing warm-up, which makes sense because you need fluid brain function for your writing to flow. Additionally, I have never actually printed something out and edited it by hand before I submit it or label it "done", which is something I think would be highly beneficial. By the time I typically finish a writing assignment I am pretty over working on it, but my grade hasn't seemed to suffer by skipping this step. Nonetheless, I think it would benefit me long term because I will become more familiar with my common mistakes.
Patterson, Amanda. “10 Good Reasons To Read More Books.” Writers Write, 23 Aug. 2018, writerswrite.co.za/why-you-need-to-read-more-books/.
Ehlers, Anthony. “3 Simple Ways to Kick-Start Your Writing.” Writers Write, 9 Oct. 2018, writerswrite.co.za/creative-writing/.
Oh, this is great, Brooke! I am watching with curiosity to see how this Story Lab idea works out (it is something totally new this semester), and I like how posts like this one will help me find, save, and then share useful materials with the whole class. Thank you!