Week 6 Reading: Fables of Bidpai (Reading A)
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Bidpai: The Ass, the Lion, and the Fox |
Fables of Bidpai
- Introduction
- Bidpai was a famously brilliant philosopher
- King Dabschélim asked him to write his wisdom down for others to follow
- Thus the Bidpai tales filled with morals
- The Rustic and the Nightingale
- The Rustic loved his rose-tree but the Nightingale kept messing with the roses
- Rustic captured Nightingale
- Nightingale appealed to his mercy and was let go
- such a small sin, it was worse on him to kill a bird than for the bird to kill a rose
- Simple, mostly narrative
- only dialogue showed purpose
- The King, the Falcon, and the Drinking Cup
- Really liked this tale
- You never know the full story, do not act ignorantly
- Falcon saved the King twice from drinking poison
- The Two Travelers
- Mostly narrative
- The brave are rewarded
- Do not take the easy route, hard work gets you more
- Poor Man, Rich Man, Young Man
- Poor Man: Greed
- Rich Man: Selfish
- Young Man: It is up to you to take care of yourself
- Make yourself capable
- The Merchant and his Iron
- Lying makes someone a fool
- Garner, Farmer, Tyrant
- Garner
- Bear and he becomes friends
- Bear watches out for him while he sleeps
- accidentally killed him trying to swat away flies
- Better to have a wise enemy than a foolish friend
- Farmer
- Trust yourself
- Robbers convinced farmer he had dogs rather than sheep, stole the sheep
- Tyrant
- Do unto to others how you would want to be done to you
- King turned good out of fear of karma
- The King, the Hermit, and the Two Princes
- King with money had greedy sons
- called hermit on his deathbed to hide money until sons appreciated it
- Emphasize what matters and the rest will fall into place
- Younger prince became king, wanted to live like a hermit
- Three Stories about Apes
- First ape: Do not meddle in things that are not your own
- Second ape: Do not be ignorant, listen to others
- Third ape: Selishness
- The Ass, the Lion, and the Fox
- Fox outsmarted the lion
- But didn't the fox need the lion?
- Three Stories about Foxs
- Fox 1: Greed kept him from eating, always wanted bigger
- Fox 2: Greed
- Fox 3: Only story were the fox wasn't the least successful
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