Week 11 Story: Scorpion and the Rabbit

Scorpion and the Rabbit A hot day is typically much warmer for a rabbit due to the hair covering its body, so as the day approached high noon and the rabbit quickly finished up its morning rounds in hopes of finding a shaded spot next to the river. As rabbit hastily made his way across the prairie, he offered little regard to his surroundings for all he could think of was how miserably hot he was. It was then that he heard, "Hey! What were you are going, you better not step on me!" Only slowing his pace a little, Rabbit looked around to see where the voice had come from. Just when he was about to give up he spotted a black speck following behind him. "I am sorry my dear friend, I did not see you on my trail. I am desperately seeking a place to rest for the next couple of hours, I am so hot I fear I am about to die!" The Scorpion laughed at the rabbit, "you are so weak, you do not deserve to be among the animals of the prairie....