Week 10 Reading: California and Old Southwest Tales (Reading B)

Coyote and Hare/ Coyote and Fawns
  1. Origin of the Sierra Nevadas and Coast Range
    • The Hawk and Crow created the ranges from mud and tobacco 
    • Hawks were the Sierra Nevadas which are bigger
    • Had other birds help them
  2. Legend of Tu-tok-a-nu'-la (El Capitan)
    • It is named after the measuring worm
      • two boys were playing in water, got tired and slept for a long time
      • the rock grew very tall 
      • all animals tried to get the kids down but the worm was the only one who could
    • White men call it El Capitan
  3. The Children of Cloud
    • They went looking for their father after their mother told where he was 
    • They had to prove they were his children 
      • they had smilier powers 
    • They encountered other animals on the way and were turned into mescal's 
    • Took place near Tucson 
  4. The Boy who Became a God
    • the boy got songs, medicines, and clothing from animals 
    • way to long to be a tale 
    • loads of narration, spats of simple dialogue throughout 
  5. Origin of the Raven and the Macaw
    • The raven was assigned the summer
    • The Macaw was assigned winter 
    • Created seasonal birds 
  6. Coyote and Hare; Coyote and Fawns
    • The coyote was tricked by the Hare
      • The hare was trying to dictate how the Coyote killed it
    • Coyote was fooled by the fawns 
      • They told him they get their spots from cedar burns 
      • Coyote tries and kills his children 
  7. Coyote and the Quails
    • Quails took the coyote's fat to cook while he was eating 
    • he didn't notice, smelled it and asked for some
    • He went on and felt where he had been cut out
    • Goes to find Quails, asked all of them, no one admitted besides a cactus?
      • so the Coyote bit the cactus hard and died 
  8. How the Bluebird Got its Color
    • Bluebird bathed itself in a blue river that didn't flow for four times for four mornings 
      • Used to be ugly 
      • the fourth morning, lost all feathers then went in again and came out with blue ones 
    • Coyote wanted to be blue and pretty too, tried it and it worked, then fell in the dirt 
  9. Coyote's Eyes
    • A Bird took them out of his eyes and threw them into the air 
      • they fell back into his eyes brighter 
        • had been black and very bright 
    • Asked the bird to do it again, it did not want to, kept asking, then it happened 
    • They turned out yellow this time and the bird did not help again 
  10. Coyote as a Hunter
    • Coyote became dirty after traveling in water for a while 
      • he took a nap and a woman passed by and thought he was dead 
      • Coyote asked if she thought that bunnnies would think he was dead 
    • Coyote and the woman hatch a plan and kill all the bunnies
      • woman eventually steals all bunnies 
  11. How the Rattlesnake Learned to Bite
    • Men used to bother rattlesnakes all the time because they liked to hear it rattle
    • Finally learned to bite back rather than be annoyed
    • The Rabbit was the first to die from the bite and in the new world 
      • People had to burn the rabbit so the coyote could not get it
      • Coyote still tried to get it while it burned, so that's why its mouth is white
  12. Coyote and the Rattlesnake
    • Coyote and Rattlesnake tried to eat together
    • Coyote was scared of the snake so he tried to scare the snake
      • until he made a fool of himself and the snake only laughed at him 
        • tried to put a rattle on his tale to scare the snake 


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