Week 14 StoryLab: Crash Course Myth Videos

Mythology Crash Course
Truthfully, I did not know much about mythology going into this course, so I have been able to grow tremendously in my knowledge of them. I chose to do my final story lab on the crash course mythology videos, because why not test my knowledge of what I heave learned over the past few months.

I learned a lot about things I already knew, such as what mythology is and what it generally entails. However, watching these fundamental videos allowed me to pick up on anything I had missed over the course of the semester. What I found most impactful int he videos was the comparison of myths to the direct expression of its subject-matter that enhances belief and vouches for rituals.

Going into this class I truly assumed that I would deal more closely with Greek and Roman Gods, however, I learned a ton more about society and ancient and modern cultures.  Mythology gives us a great window into our past and shows us just how much our modern society mirrors that of our ancient ancestors in terms of lessons learned. I am glad I kind of circled in my understanding of mythology with these final videos.

Below are my notes to the Crash Course Myth Videos:

  • what is a myth: Covers many topics 
    • literature
    • history
    • anthropology 
    • sociology 
    • psychology 
    • religion 
    • science  

  • Many stories may seem familiar, but they are told differently based on the topics above 
    • if they are different they aren't wrong
      • they could just be different versions 
  • Often interpretations
    • the line between myth and religion are often blurry 
      • stories from the bible are not myths, just they have been used in many ways over a long time 
  • We often do not know why or why or who originated myths 
    • has been translated so many different times and ways 
  • A story that is false and should not be taken seriously 
    • what myths were described as 
  • Myth: Mythos 
    • word or story
  • Types of myth 
    • Creation myths 
      • how things in the world came to be 
    • Pantheons 
      • groups of gods in cultures and how they function in cultures 
      • flood myths 
      • heroes from all over the world 
      • mythical places and creatures 
    • Religious 
  • mythology
    • ology means the study of
    • a systematic study of myths 
      • didn't take off until 18th and 19th century when they compared a language 
  • how are they studied: 
    • been studied a long time
    • plato said myths were lies 
      • myths about gods, heroes were irrational 
      • psychosocial myths were true that gave morality 
    • people made stories to make the previous history make sense 
  • Euhemerism 
    • using myths to make sense of the natural world 
    • philosopher 
  • Logos 
    • transcendent truth 
  • Proto-Indo-European 
    • type of language discovered my analyzing each language from India and around 
      • saw a lot of different languages had commonalities 
    • Aryans 
  • The myth is not symbolic but a direct expression of its subject-matter,
    • a narrative resurrection of a primitive reality, 
      • it expresses and enhances belief, vouches for ritual 
  • rules for the guidance of man 


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