Topic Research: Female Takeover

Art of Piracy

While choosing a project topic I selfishly could not choose just one, but rather a mash-up between mermaids and women pirates. More specifically, Haun Christian Andersons "The Little Mermaid".

Ideally, I would like to use the beginning part of "The Little Mermaid" to then make the prince her enemy rather than her lover. Thus bringing the sorceress in to still give the Little Mermaid and her sisters legs so that they could steal a ship and attack the prince's fleet with their siren powers. 

Secondly, I am interested in a fleet of pirates being taken down by the joint force of mermaids and pirates. For this particular twist, I will be basing my story on Homer's Odyssey Passing the Sirens. More specifically I would love to build on the idea of having sailors and pirates pass by the island of the Sirens. 

My final concept that I found quite interesting is based on The Mermaid's Twin Sister. While reading this tale (pun intended) I found it inspiring to have a modernist story of having your sister turn into a mermaid for swimming in the ocean on easter. I think that this story is perfectly set up for a twist. 

Honestly, I do not know which story I will end up using, but the first and second topic speak to me the most. 


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